Guidelines for writing abstracts
All accepted abstracts will be published in the supplement of the journal Liječnički vjesnik. Abstracts are written in English.
The abstract should contain: the title of the work written in Croatian and English, a list of authors (full name and surname, without titles and other designations) and the name of the institution or institutions of each author. At the end of the abstract, the e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence and possible oral presentation of the work should be stated.
The abstract must be structured into chapters “Introduction and objective”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Conclusion” and “Literature”. The abstract (without literature and attachments) should contain up to 2500 characters including spaces. The summary can contain at most one attachment (images, table or chart) and in this case the summary must not exceed 2000 characters including spaces. Along with the abstract, up to three literature references may be listed in accordance with the instructions of the journal Liječnički vjesnik.
Abstracts can be submitted here:
The deadline for sending abstracts is May 31, 2023.